Online Gaming Committee (OGC)
The Online Gaming Committee (OGC) is charged with (a) defining, identifying and developing messaging protocols and application interfaces to be adopted as GSA’s standard for communications between components of online gaming systems, between online gaming systems and other systems, and as directed by the Board of Directors; and (b) providing documentation to support the implementation and certification of the protocols and interfaces.
The OGC focuses on the development of messaging protocols and application interfaces necessary and sufficient for the transmission of information related to online gaming. The sole purpose of the protocols and interfaces is to enable products to communicate and interoperate with each other in a standard manner.
The protocols and interfaces shall not include (a) any Enabling Technologies that require the use of any specific Product or portion of a Product; (b) the implementation of other published specifications which are not explicit components of the standard; or (c) any Products, portions of Products, or combinations of Products themselves.
For the purpose of this Charter, Enabling Technologies and/or Products include, but are not limited to, applications such as games, bonusing, progressives, player tracking, player authentication, application content authentication, accounting, security, encryption, and other technologies or products of a similar nature.
The committee shall:
- Consider and utilize commonly accepted best-of-breed computer industry standards whenever possible to fulfill its charter.
- Consider both backward and forward compatibility as it extends the protocols and interfaces.
- Solicit input from GSA members, GSA committees, and industry groups.
- Develop protocols and interfaces that are unambiguous and interoperable.
- Follow the continuous improvement process for GSA protocols and interfaces.
- Produce, under the direction of the committee Chair, an annual plan with objectives that are consistent with the GSA’s annual plan or board directives.