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CRC – Cyber Resiliency Committee


Cyber Resiliency Committee (CRC)

The Cyber Resiliency Committee (CRC) is charged with creating and implementing:

  1. a gaming industry standard aimed at improved self-governance and transparency in the areas of cyber risk management, cyber incident-related financial loss potentials and cyber resiliency levels for the gaming industry.
  2. a cyber risk management and reporting standard appropriate for all organizations in the gaming industry.
  3. a governance standard with a framework of controls suitable for casino operators and any entity in their supply chain.


The committee shall:

The Scope of the Cyber Resiliency Committee is limited to the creation of a panel of IGSA members that will help define and document recommended standards for cyber risk management, cyber risk reporting, and governance standards that are suitable for the needs of the entire gaming industry inclusive of Regulatory Authorities.

The scope shall not include (a) the development of any production software; or (b) undertaking the support or maintenance of any production software or applications developed based on the Committees’ recommendation(s).

The committee shall:

  1. Consider all relevant governance control-sets to fulfill its charter.
  2. Evaluate inclusion of commonly accepted Standards whenever possible.
  3. Solicit input from IGSA members, IGSA committees, and industry groups.
  4. Consider existing cyber risk management solutions already accepted by IGSA members.
  5. Monitoring and study breaches that have impacted Members or their Customers.
  6. Identify and prioritize areas, creating use-cases, where cyber risk management standards can have the most impact.
  7. Produce, under the direction of the Chair, an annual plan with objectives that are consistent withthe IGSA’s annual plan or board directives.

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