Ethical AI Standards Committee (AIC)
The Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) Standards Committee (AIC) is charged with the responsibility to curate AI algorithm fairness standards for global gaming markets, with the objective of making sure that any decisions made by AI influenced systems are fair and equitable to human users.
The scope of the AIC is for all committee members to work collaboratively to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with fragmented AI standards globally and consolidate those into a meaningful guide that identifies possible solutions to challenges and facilitate the sharing of best practices with all industry stakeholders.
Additionally, the scope of the AIC is limited to Industry Standards that do not interfere with or conflict with any regulatory or other existing requirements and standards.
The committee shall:
- Provide a framework to guide Industry Stakeholders on how to adopt standards that provide guidance and clarity for ethical use of AI.
- Where best practices exist, adapt said practices and standardize them for use in the global gaming industry.
- Partner with academic institutions and other non-profit organizations so that advances in AI Ethics can be incorporated into a single framework on an as real-time basis as possible.
- Solicit input from IGSA members, IGSA committees and Industry groups including Regulators.
- Produce, under the direction of the committee Chair, an annual plan with objectives that are consistent with the IGSA’s annual plan or board directives.