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who we are

The International Gaming Standards Association is a non-profit trade association that creates Standards and Best Practices with benefits for gaming, operators, regulators, and suppliers.

In 1996, during the annual Gaming Expo, Acres Gaming founder John Acres addressed a group of attendees representing some of the industry’s largest equipment suppliers about the issues pertaining to communication standards. His thought was to organize the industry’s manufacturers to eliminate some of the technological communication problems that were facing his company, as well as those facing many of the industry’s other companies. At the end of 1997, 65 people representing 20 companies had come together, which led to the selection of a cabinet in 1997. In May of 1998, the association was officially formed as a nonprofit organization. Since then, it has grown to include more than 53 members and affiliates. In 2001, the association decided to change its formal name in order to reflect the growing number of casino operators that have joined.

In 2010, GSA opened its first international office located in Macau. The GSA Macau office worked collaboratively with what was then called the Macau Polytechnic Institute to develop a curriculum to be taught to engineering students interested in a career related to gambling software development.

In 2016, GSA opened its second international office located in Malta. The GSA Europe office was founded to collaborate with European regulatory authorities, suppliers, and operators to identify standardization opportunities on that continent.

In 2019, GSA opened its third international office in Tokyo, Japan. The GSA Japan office was founded to continue the work GSA had started with members of the Japanese Diet, providing information on laws, regulations, technical requirements, and other information as Japan looked to legalize gambling.

In recognition of the significant work GSA was performing internationally, the association formally changed its name to the International Gaming Standards Association, or IGSA, in 2019.

Board of Directors

Nimish Purohit

Martin Pedak

Paul Burns

Spencer Peterson
Board Member

Syed Hussain
Board Member

John McCafferty
Board Member


Mark Pace
President, IGSA Managing Director, GSA Europe

Michelle Olesiejuk
Executive Director

Austin Pace
Social Media Specialist

Frequently Asked Questions

See answers to some of the most common questions.

How do I get involved in IGSA?

Please go to IGSA’s Memberships page and click on Download Details to get more information on membership privileges and dues. IGSA has membership levels for every organization at reasonable annual dues. Review the information and determine what level of membership works for your company and then, Join IGSA!

What types of committees are there?

There are two types of committees in IGSA: technical and non-technical. A technical committee develops technical Standards in accordance with their specific charter. A non-technical committee identifies, studies, evaluates, discusses, and proposes specific business requirements, guidelines or templates or Best Practices to the Board of Directors for consideration of inclusion into existing or new Standards or Best Practices.

How do I join a committee?

In order to participate in any IGSA committee, companies must become Members of IGSA, and then individual employees can join any committee subject, to any restrictions that some Membership Levels have. Additionally, the level of membership determines the level of access an individual may have to a committee. For more information, please contact IGSA.


How is a new committee created?

The Board of Directors approves the creation of technical or non-technical committees as a result of a request from the Membership for a new Standard, set of Best Practices, or the solution to a problem. The request must include an overview of the proposed Standard or a reason for the creation of Best Practices, a draft charter, a development timeline, an agenda for the initial committee meeting, and written support from a minimum of three (3) Members. All requesting Members must commit to providing resources to participate in the new committee.

What is 'opting' into a committee?

Members of a technical committee are required to ‘opt-in’ as a pre-requisite to participate in the technical committee as specified under IGSA’s Patent Policy. Technical committee membership carries with it specific responsibilities with regards to IGSA’s Patent Policy and licensing. Technical committee members are encouraged to know and understand their responsibilities under this policy.

How do I create a Standard?

With the exception of Director-level Members, any Member may call for the creation of a new Standard or set of Best Practices, providing they have written support of two ( 2 ) other members. Director-level Members may initiate the creation of a committee to create a new Standard or set of Best Practices without having to solicit the support of additional members. All requesting Members must commit to providing resources for the development of the standard. Members seeking to create a new Standard or set of Best Practices must provide a development plan comprising an overview of the proposed Standard or Best Practices, a draft committee charter if a new committee is required, a development timeline, and an agenda for the initial committee meeting.

How can I influence a Standard?

One of the benefits of membership in IGSA is the ability to work on a standard with other members as a technical committee member. Members share their work and opinions with each other in an open and transparent setting.

How do I get an IGSA Standard?

IGSA Standards and Best Practices are available free of charge only to Members and Regulatory Authorities. Some restrictions apply depending on membership level. Please refer to IGSA’s Memberships page, and click on Download Details under any Membership Level to see which Standards and Best Practices are available. Non-IGSA members may also license certain Standards and Best Practices. Information on licensing is also available if you click on Download Details. To become a member of IGSA, go to IGSA’s Memberships Page. Once you become a member, you can download Standards and Best Practices from the website or request Standards and Best Practices, and review drafts of Standards and Best Practices in the members-only area.

How do Regulators get access to Standards?

Regulatory Authorities may request any Standard or Best Practice, which they will receive free of charge for their internal use only. Regulatory copies of Standards or Best Practices may not be shared with commercial companies for the implementation or incorporation of the same within commercial products. Please contact IGSA, should you have any questions regarding this.


How do I get updates to a Standard?

Members who are eligible to receive Standard or Best Practice updates are automatically notified of any updates. Members can obtain an update using the Members-Only section of the website and navigating to the Standard or Best Practice they are interested in. Alternatively, please contact IGSA.

How do I obtain training on a IGSA Standard?

IGSA has partnered with the iGaming Academy to provide online self-paced training on some Standards.  Please click here to view the courses available, which can be purchased directly from iGaming Academy.

What is the Board of Directors?

The IGSA Board of Directors is the elected governing body of IGSA. It is composed of individuals from the Board-eligible Members of IGSA. Board Members meet every month, or as needed, to set the strategic direction of IGSA and to determine all issues regarding the management of the organization.

Who is eligible to become a Board Member?

A candidate for the Board of Directors must be a representative of a Board-eligible Member in good standing. For more specifics, please refer to IGSA’s Policy Handbook.


How do I nominate myself to become a Board Member?

Director, Industry, Vertical and Operator Members in good standing may nominate themselves annually, after the call for nominations is sent to Members via email notice. Once elected, Director-level Board Members serve for a two-year term, while all other Board Members serve for one year. Each membership level has a specific number of Board of Director seats allocated to that level. Please refer to IGSA’s Memberships page and click on Download Details under any Membership Level to learn more or contact IGSA.

How do I become a member of the Executive Committee?

The IGSA Board of Directors elects the Executive Committee from its ranks. To become a member, you must first be elected to the board.

What is the Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee (EC) is a sub-committee of the Board of Directors, comprising the officers of the IGSA Board of Directors (Chair/Vice-Chair/Secretary/Treasurer). The committee meets monthly to review issues of importance to the IGSA Board in detail and make recommendations to the full Board of Directors.

How does G2S compare with SAS?

The differences between the SAS protocol, created in 1985 as a serial point-to-point, unencrypted communication protocol, and G2S, which is an ethernet high-speed, multi-host, encrypted protocol are vast! Please visit IGSA’s White Papers library and browse the content there for more information.

What is a Manufacturer’s ID, and how do I get one?

Within IGSA standards, there is a set of identifiers that are designed to be globally unique. This set of identifiers is used to uniquely identify EGMs, themes, and pay tables. To request an ID, please visit IGSA’s Manufacturer’s ID page here.

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