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For Immediate Release: NEWSFLASH

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (October 22, 2024). The International Gaming Standards Association (IGSA) welcomes Umpqua Indian Development Corporation (UIDC) as a new Gold member.

UIDC is the business division of the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians. “We are delighted to be a part of IGSA, and we look forward to contributing to the creation of standards that affect our casino operations in the fast-growing gaming industry,” said UIDC President John McCafferty.

IGSA President Mark Pace said, “We are thrilled to welcome Umpqua Indian Development Corporation to IGSA. Since its founding, IGSA has been laser-focused on creating standards that streamline technology adoption and implementation for operators, and we look forward to UIDC’s essential participation in IGSA Standards development.”


Umpqua Indian Development Corporation is the business division of the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians. All of the business holdings of the tribe fall under the umbrella of UIDC. These holdings include Seven Feathers Casino Resort, 7 Feathers Truck and Travel Center, Seven Feathers RV Resort, Creekside Hotel & Suites, Anvil Northwest, Takelma Roasting Company, Umpqua Property Service, Umpqua Technologies and K-Bar Ranches.


The International Gaming Standards Association (IGSA) is the largest technical standards development organization dedicated to the creation and evolution of Standards and protocols to the betterment of the global gaming industry. Through the creation and evolution of intellectual property, exclusively available to its distinguished membership in 20 countries, and with the input of regulators, operators, and suppliers from over 30 countries, IGSA ensures its members enjoy a unique strategic advantage. IGSA is the industry’s most recognized catalyst between the jurisdictional regulatory bodies and online and land-based operators. This ensures its members have a cross-sectorial visibility and reach, as well as a facility to access commercialization channels through the IGSA standardized protocols and Standards.

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Media Contact
Mark Pace, IGSA President
[email protected]

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