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News – Letter from the President

IGSA had a busy October!

After a hiatus of more than 5 years, IGSA once again had a booth at G2E. A big thanks is in order to Reed Exhibitions for providing us with booth space, and to all of our Members who stopped by!

During G2E, I had an opportunity to catch up with long-time Members, newly-joined Members and to also spend time speaking with potential new Members.

Our Annual Meeting was another opportunity to speak with our Membership and to share our financial position, what we accomplished in 2024, and more importantly what we want to achieve in 2025. Thank you to all who attended, and to Howard & Howard for sponsoring the event!

On the last day of G2E, IGSA co-hosted a Cybersecurity Workshop with the Retail & Hospitality ISAC (RH ISAC). Many IGSA members attended the workshop and several IGSA Cyber Resiliency Committee members spoke on panels addressing a variety of issues. I look forward to future events in conjunction with RH ISAC!

Following G2E, I was once again honored to participate in the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) annual conference. This year saw more than 400 delegates in attendance! I spoke about the Best Practices that IGSA’s Ethical AI committee has developed on a panel comprising incredible individuals from academic, regulatory, and operational areas.

New 2025 Membership levels

After nearly two decades with the same ‘precious metals’ Membership structure, IGSA is pleased to announce that we have modified our Membership levels and dues structure. Our goal was to make IGSA Membership more attractive to companies in each segment of our industry. The new structure is as follows:

  • Director Level – the top-level Membership, with unique privileges and 7 available BOD seats.
  • Industry Level – for companies that operate in land-based and online with 4 available BOD seats.
  • Vertical Level – for companies that operate in either land-based or online with 2 available BOD seats.
  • Operator Level – specifically for land-based or online operators with 2 available BOD seats.
  • Committee Level – specifically created for non-traditional gaming companies who wish to participate in the creation of Standards and Best Practices.
  • Regulatory, Affiliate and Advisory Levels – for regulators, affiliate and advisory members.

Renewal letters with information on the new Membership structure and dues have been sent to Members and will be available to the general public by mid-November. If you have any questions please, contact Michelle Olesiejuk at [email protected].

With less than 2 weeks to go, registration for the GSA Technical Summit – FOCUS: Future Tech is coming to a close! If you wish to attend this event being held at Harrah’s Ak-Chin Resort in Phoenix, Arizona on the 12th and 13th of November, please contact me at [email protected] or register at

We can’t wait to see you there!

A huge Thank You to our GSATS sponsors: Platinum – Eclipse Compliance Testing, Gold – Aristocrat Technologies, Reception – Howard & Howard, Hospitality – INTEL and Playtech.

Committee Updates

Ethical AI (AIC)

Richard Bayliss from Playtech has taken over the Chair position from Nimish Purohit of Aristocrat.  During the last meeting, the committee debated the need for a network of communications to detect and address vulnerabilities or misuses of AI systems in the regulated gaming environment. The next meeting is scheduled for November 5th.

Cyber Resiliency (CRC)

When the Cyber Resiliency committee last met, they discussed reviewing and clarifying the current agenda and creating a priority roadmap. The next meeting is on November 7th.

Emerging Technologies (ETC)

The first meeting of this new committee will take place in December.

Payments (PC)

Two informal Payments Committee exploratory calls have been held with attendees representing card networks, card issuers, identity verifiers, payment processors, and suppliers. The group has agreed to work within the IGSA framework to create Payments Standards. A workgroup to create a Data Dictionary standardizing payments terms and identifying differences in jurisdictional regulations will be formed. An output of this workgroup will be used to work with regulators to move towards standard terminology, thereby avoiding confusion reducing regulatory fragmentation.

Responsible Gaming (RGC)

This committee is still on hiatus.

Eligible Members wishing to participate in committees should send a request to [email protected].

Upcoming IGSA & Industry Events

  • Ethical AI Committee Meeting – November 5th
  • Cyber Resiliency Committee Meeting – November 7th
  • GSATS – FOCUS: Future Tech – November 12th to 13th
  • Payments Committee Meeting – November 19th or 21st
  • Board of Directors Meeting – December 5th
  • ICE Barcelona – January 20th to 25th

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