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News – Letter from the President

Don’t miss IGSA’s big Q4 events!

GSA invites you to our Annual Meeting, which will be held from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM on October 9th during G2E. As in previous years, the venue for this meeting will be the Canaletto Ristorante Veneto on St. Mark’s Square at the Venetian Resort. Information on IGSA’s achievements during 2024, along with a preview of our 2025 Strategic Objectives, will be shared during a brief presentation. This will be followed by a cocktail and hors d’oeuvres reception. SPACE IS LIMITED! Please use this link for registration:

Also, we invite you to visit us at G2E! Stop by Booth #5930 in the Media Booth section from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on October 8th and 9th, and from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on October 10th! We are excited to chat with you about our exciting upcoming events!

Also at G2E, IGSA is co-hosting a Cyber Security for the Gaming Industry Workshop with the Retail & Hospitality ISAC.  This event will be held at the Wynn Resort from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM on October 10th, and is intended to share information on mitigating cyber risk and improving cyber resiliency in gaming. Once again, SPACE IS LIMITED and attendance is for information security and cyber security personnel. Please use this link for registration:

Finally, on November 12-13, we are hosting the GSA Technical Summit – FOCUS: Future Tech at Harrah’s Ak-Chin Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. This event will delve into emerging and new technologies that are being introduced into the gaming industry. If you are interested in speaking at or sponsoring the event, please contact me at [email protected].

Please use this link for registration:

Committee Updates

Ethical AI (AIC)

The committee debated issues related to players using AI tools to cheat. The team discussed the need for processes to allow operators to share information about the methods being used by identified cheats with other operators and regulators to help prevent similar instances from occurring.The time frame to disclose and the procedure to do so, including the need to protect the disclosing entity’s identify, were also discussed.

Cyber Resiliency (CRC)

The committee discussed the benefits of Fusion Centers as a means for information on, and escalation of, issues identified. The team also discussed the inherent limitations on ISACs to share information with other ISACs due to NDAs with their Members. However, the team also determined that there may be a way forward. A panel discussion topic during the R-H ISAC / IGSA Cybersecurity Workshop resulted from this discussion.

Emerging Technologies (ETC)

The first meeting of this new committee has been postponed due to timing of several conferences.

It will most likely meet in late October or early November.

Payments (PC)

A Payments Committee Exploratory Meeting was held with a variety of companies including Card Brands, Card Issuers, Payment Processors, Identity Verifiers, and System Suppliers. The group met for an hour and concluded that the IGSA Payments Committee would be an ideal vehicle to work on resolving the challenges/issues discussed. All of the companies invited to participate in this Exploratory Meeting will be invited to participate in the Payments Committee meeting on October 25.

Responsible Gaming (RGC)

This committee is still on hiatus.

Eligible Members wishing to participate in committees should send a request to [email protected].

Upcoming IGSA & Industry Events


  • Ethical AI Committee Meeting – October, TBD
  • Cyber Resiliency Committee Meeting – October, TBD
  • Board of Directors Meeting – October 7
  • Global Gaming Exposition (G2E) – October 7 to 11
  • IGSA Annual Meeting – October 9
  • IGSA / R-H ISAC Gaming Workshop – October 10
  • International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) Conference – October 21-23
  • Payments Committee Meeting – October 25
  • IGSA Technical Summit – FOCUS: Future Tech – November 12-13

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