
Participation in this committee is at the discretion of the BOD. Members should contact their representative BOD member for more information.

The Board of Directors of the Gaming Standards Association (BOD) has established the Board Advisory Council (BAC) to support GSA and its objectives. The BAC is not a standing committee and will gather at the direction of the BOD to address specific issues of concern.

Any individual whose background and knowledge is deemed beneficial to GSA shall be eligible to serve as an advisor. Advisory Council participants are called Advisors.


  1. The BAC will be comprised of no more than 7 Advisors at any time.
  2. No Advisor can be actively involved in any of GSA’s standing committees including the BOD.
  3. The BAC shall be comprised of Advisors from the gaming industry or policy domains or any other industry segment that can provide a broader perspective.

The role of the BAC is purely advisory in nature.

  1. The BAC shall abide by and adhere to the policies of GSA, as may be adopted and modified from time to time.
  2. The BAC must be aware that they do not carry the same legal, personal or fiduciary responsibilities as the board of directors.
  3. The BAC does not have legal authority to govern the organization, act with the authority of the BOD or to vote as a member of the governing body.
  4. BOD members shall not share confidential information with the BAC.
  5. BAC Advisors must disclose any potential conflict of interest prior to participation in the BAC or when/if it occurs.
  6. BAC Advisors are volunteers without expectation of compensation.